Common mistakes when doing sadhana
Few things that do not work in sadhana.
1. Imitation. Trying to imitate someone is known via actions and not explanations. Conscious or unconscious imitation of a guru or someone higher up won't work, ever. Shows a lack of authentic grounding.
2. Running to diverse paths because of a vital attraction. Mostly it has got nothing to do with the path per say but personality puja. Very human and very useless if it makes one run in 180 degree wide paths. When I see that and I see that too often I know for a fact the upasaka is not even in nursery level, for no anchor is set yet, mind is all over the place - it will take time.
3. Further to point 2, every now and then i see someone and I know for a fact they are in the wrong route, question is to tell or not. Now I don't tell any more because lack of faith. It will be a waste of energy because they will ask the same query in multiple places - this happens due to lack of faith on the advise, in which case no advise must be given. Nature is the greatest teacher and knows exactly what medicine is needed for whom.
4. Asking the same query to ten different people is a sign of time wasting. Of the individuals to whom you ask. And disrespectful as well.
5. So far as deity upasana is concerned if you not finished at least 3 years of unbroken sadhana without deviation, you are not yet set in path. Such people will shift everywhere because the mind is unsteady and judgement is not based on mental assessment but simple emotional attractions.
6. For most people the mind is weak and not in control over the other parts of the being - mind is a slave that is used to create excuses to justify the behaviour of the sentimental body. Development of the mind is the toughest job in sadhana, to make sure it does not degenerate into dry scholarship, and yet not be misused dishonestly to justify all whims of the vital body.
7. Finally, when sadhana is really working you need not go anywhere - Nature will get things done, and you sit in quite confidence of the deity you worship.
It is a higher state and before that you pass through tests and hells. Failure or success is not verbal jugglery. It is evident all around and very clear to all.