Kalabhairava's decapitation of Brahma's head is the most fascinating cosmic event. He does it with his left hand little finger indicating the effortlessness of his act.
He does the first Brahmahatya - killing the greatest Brahmin's fifth head, because Brahma lied egoistically claiming itself to be equal to Siva, it was not so much as a lie but a delusional claim of greatness and so Bhairava, puratanam Jagatpatim punished Him severely - and then for lokakalyana, Kalabhairava, follows a 12 year vrata to eradicate the papa generated, even though it is a leela, as Visnu notes, when Kalabhairava visits Vaikuntha and Visnu offers Him blood as bhiksa.All the gods do is play and that play generates and creates new avenues of spirituality for men. Hence the mahavrata of Kapalika-s which was inspired by Kalabhairava's twelve year journey.
Bhairava is Reality as it is. And Brahma represents rules of society. When these rules because divergent from reality, that is lack of truth becomes evident in practice, when the spirit is dead and body is kept decorated out of sentimentalism, ego or any other excuse making it divorced from Reality, then Reality comes to cut off Brahma's fifth head with the most effortless gesture. He laughs his attahasa mocking for it is ancient dictum as Aghori Vimalananda used to say, that either you live with Reality, or Reality comes to live with you and then disaster hits.
Reality is the correction in the stock markets. Reality is the blindspot that theory has failed to address hidden behind natural biases. Reality is the fighter that has won the fight, even before the fight started.
Since then Bhairava wears the janeu of snakes indicating His control over the most deadly negative emotions.
He is also the guru of the Kaula tantra marga, in his form as Ananda Bhairava, and very happily transgresses the vedic norms in puja padhyatis.
Another ashtami approaches. Another opportunity for sadhana.
May Kalabhairava give us the strength to abide in Reality at all times.